Tuesday, May 13, 2008

North Campus Chess Club President Wins Award

MDC north campus chess club president Toni-saccion Baldie was honored on April 11, 2008 at the annual student life “Fire and Ice" banquet. Ms. Baldie received the most outstanding organization member award. Toni is no stranger to leadership positions as she was the captain of St. Hughes High School’s chess team. She has been the president of the north campus chess club for one year, and that year has been most dynamic. Toni helped to organize a rummage in support of the campus United Way goals. She also led the chess club members in a student government sponsored aids awareness march around the campus. She has implemented training programs for novice and experience chess players, and she, along with the executive board, developed guidelines to help the club to function smoothly. The chess club meets every Friday in the College Prep Department, room 6132.

Written by Professor Leighton Spence

1 comment:

miracle said...

congradulations on your sucess,i wish you nothing but the best! :)