Thursday, February 4, 2010

Survival in College by Yasmin Moses

As I embark on the next stages of my academic career, I have met some incredible professors and former classmates who have become my peers here at Miami-Dade College-north that have become like family to me, and have kept me motivated through my turbulences and fears in completing my program,. I would like to take this opportunity to thank the College Prep Department and Reflections Magazine editors Professors Marlene Cueto and Bert Lorenzo. Thank You for inspiring me and helping me coordinate the first college prep poetry contest, and in instilling good values and etiquette in preparing for the college life. I wish you all the best, may God Bless you all. It has been a rewarding road to continue successfully in college; therefore, sharing this appropriate editorial for future students who enroll in college prep courses has come at the appropriate time when it can be useful to others because it has helped me in the regular college courses and will continue to do so in the future.

There are many survival tips for college students; however, I would like to share a couple of my own that I believe will be helpful from a student’s perspective. Here are my top 4:

  1. Plan: Often I found many of my classmates cramming for tests, and trying to fit in their work and class schedules to study. If you have a daily routine where you work and attend school, take a 20 minute break for yourself. Plan your day according to what classes you have the next day, and 2 or 3 weeks prior to study for an exam.

  1. Focus: If you are taking more than 2 classes each semester, you should focus on those classes individually. For example if you have classes Monday through Friday, and you also work, wherever you are at a specific time focus on that place and time. Don’t wonder about tomorrow’s class, or schedule unless you have an exam.

  1. Stay calm: Remember the only way you cannot make rational decisions throughout your semesters in college is if you panic! When worse comes to worse just stay level –headed, and you’ll get through everything just fine.

  1. Never say “I can’t”: I’ve learned from many of my College-Prep Professors that you should never utter the words “I can’t” because “You can”! If you think negative then negative outcomes will come to you. Never limit yourself in the possible things you can do.


Anonymous said...

AWESOME Yasmin, I, just like many here in the College Prep Dept. are VERY PROUD of you!! May your life's journey be as successful as your time here at MDC. Take Care, Ms. Audrey :-)

miracle said...

Thank You Ms.Audrey, Reflections Magazine & the college prep department helped me be inspired,I will always be humbled. :)