Tuesday, October 12, 2010

My Cousin from Cuba by Prof Bert Lorenzo

My cousin from Cuba came to visit me.She lived a month in liberty.

Martha was born into a collectivist ideology where they only share brutality. Those communists with ideas so repugnant can only manage to make misery abundant. And that degenerate Moore criticizes my land of milk and honey and gives praise to my enemy.

She asked me to buy her some things to make life more bearable for her return to that place so terrible. She couldn't believe what she saw at Kmart.

Rows of riches lined so smart. I bought her what she thought was a treasure.Then we went to Publix where shopping is a pleasure.

I never appreciated what that slogan meant until my cousin wept.She wept from the shock of choice and because at home she can’t even own a voice.

When Martha left I cried. She couldn’t stay with me no matter how much I tried. She had to return to her daughter in the land of sorrow to a place with no hope for tomorrow.

Maybe I’ll never see her again. She left behind freedom and a friend.

Copyright Bert Lorenzo, 2010