Thursday, February 14, 2008

Poem of Saint Valentine's Day by Cesar Augusto Marin

To love a human being is to accept the opportunity to know it truly and to enjoy the adventure to explore and to discover what keeps beyond its masks and their defenses.

To love is to tenderly contemplate his deeper feelings, their fears, their deficiencies, their hopes and joys, their sadness, its pain and its yearnings. To love is to include/understand that behind its mask and its armor, is a sensible and solitary heart, hungry of a hand friend, thirsty of a sincere smile in which it can feel in house. To love is to recognize, with respectful compassion, which without harmony and the chaos in which sometimes it lives is the product of their ignorance and its unconsciousness.

To love is tells that if generates misfortunes it is because not yet it has learned to seed joys, and sometimes it feels so empty and devoid of sense, that it cannot trust nor if same. To love is to discover and to honor, over any appearance, its true identity, and to appreciate honestly its infinite greatness like a unique and unique expression of the Life. To love a human being is to be sufficiently humble like receiving its tenderness and its affection without representing the paper which nothing needs. A human being lands on water is to accept with taste which offers you without demanding that it gives you what cannot or does not wish; he is to thank for to the life the prodigy to him of his existence and to feel in his presence an authentic blessing in your footpath.

To love a human being is to enjoy the experience knowing that every day is an uncertain adventure and the morning, a lasting incognito; it is to live every moment as if he was the last one that you can share with the other. To love a human being is in such a way that each encounter is so intense and so deep as if it was the first time that it takings of the hand, causing that the daily thing is always a different and miraculous creation. To love a human being is also a way to establish your own limits and to maintain them firmly; he is respective to same you and not to allow that the other transgresses what you consider your rights personal.

To love a human being is to have as much confidence in same you and in the other, that without fear to that the relation is harmed, you feel in freedom to express your anger without offending the wanted being, and you can show what it bothers to you and incommode without trying to hurt it or to hurt it. To love a human being is to recognize and to respect its limitations and to see it with esteem without idealized it, it is to share and to enjoy the agreements and to accept the discords, and if a day arrived in which evidently the ways diverged without remedy. To love a human being is to be able of say go bye peacefully and in harmony, in such a way that both remember with gratitude by the shared treasures.

To love a human being is to go beyond its individuality like person. It is to perceive it and to value it as a sample of the whole humanity, like an expression of the Man and the Woman, like a concrete manifestation of that important essence and intangible call to "human being", of which you also comprise important. To love is to recognize, through him, the indestructible miracle of the human nature, which is your own nature, with all its greatness and its limitations; to as much appreciate the luminous and radiating facets of the humanity, like its dark and shady sides.

To love a human being, in fact, is to love the human being in its totality; it is to love the authentic human nature, as it is, and therefore, to love a human being is to love to same you and feel then proud of being a note in the symphony of this world.

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